Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oh wow...

I have to be the worst blogger in history. Seriously, i haven't written another post since August. Wow. Well, that's probably because i haven't had a lot of time to read with school and everything finally kicking in.

Hmm... let's see shall we? I just got done reading one of my all time favorite book series. Have you heard of Secrets of My Hollywood Life?? I'm literally addicted to these books. Every night now, i read all of the romance between Adam and Kaitlin. *Swoon.* Seriously, if i ever found a guy like that i may die. Basically, it's about a young actress/Hollywood "it" girl looking for a normal life. . . well, semi-normal life. She goes to a public school with her best friend, Liz, as an alternate identity. She's no longer the girl everyone knows and loves on TV, but is being normal really what Kaitlin can handle? I adore this series and if I weren't trying to sort through my increasing number of book piles, i may have forgotten about them, sadly.

Another super great read would have to be Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. It's so eye-opening and really makes you think plus I admire her writing style and voice throughout the whole book. An eighteen year old girl, Lia, is starving herself. Her best friend, Cassie, recently died from bulimia. Lia thinks she's fat, worthless, and basically nothing. All she wants to be is skinny and watch those numbers on the scale fall while her family is all fooled. After i was done reading the book, i was scared. All my life, i have had body image issues. I can't even tell you how many times i thought crash diets and these harmful eating disorders. I can't make myself gag, and i hate the thought of never having warm chocolate ooze down my throat. I'm weak, but I'm glad that i am. Girls all over the world are harming their bodies and trying to be what everyone today calls "perfect". I realised only a couple years ago i am perfect in my own way. I don't want to be like everyone else and think that skinny is the only "perfect". The book makes you think. I recommend it to anyone i know looking for a good book and possibly a lifestyle change.

Happy Christmas Eve/Holidays,


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